THE Classroom Management Book, 2nd edition - eBook

THE Classroom Management Book, 2nd edition - eBook
This eBook is the companion book to THE First Days of School and shows in detail how to apply procedures to create a safe place where student achievement thrives. The updated, 2nd edition will help prevent classroom discipline problems and develop routines where everyone knows what to do.
Suggested Retail Price: $29.56
Publisher-Direct Price: $24.95
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This is a solutions book that shows how to establish classroom management from the ground up in any classroom at any grade level. Use this book to organize and structure a classroom and create a safe and positive environment for student learning and achievement to take place. It offers 50 classroom procedures that can be applied, changed, adapted, into classroom routines for any classroom management plan at any type of school setting.
The information is supplemented with 40 QR Codes that take the learning beyond the basic text.
As the companion book to THE First Days of School, it takes one of the three characteristics of an effective teacher, being an extremely good classroom manager, and shows how to put it into practice in the classroom. It will show you how to manage your classroom step by step.
Our eLearning offering, THE Classroom Management Course, is built around the information found in this book. Access to the book is required to complete the course.
THE Classroom Management Book will help you prevent classroom discipline problems and help you create an atmosphere where everyone knows what to do—even when you are not in the classroom!
- 320-page book with Index in a eBook format
- 50 step-by-step procedures
- 40 QR Codes for extended learning
- ISBN: 978-0-9963350-3-4
VitalSource is our partner for delivering the eBook. Your purchase grants a single user one year of nontransferable access. You can also download a copy of the book to your device for reading offline. The downloaded copy does not expire.
Table of Contents
THE Classroom Management Book
- Dedication
- They Quietly Walked in and Got to Work
- Everything Is in Place at the Beginning of the School Year
- Acknowledgments
- The Authors
- The Greatest Gift
- Getting Ready for the Most Important Career You Could Ever Have
Prologue: Classroom Management Defined
The Effective and Successful Teacher
- Get It Right from the Start
Definition of Classroom Management
- The First Five Minutes
Difference Between Classroom Management and Discipline
- The Worst Four-Letter Word
The Key to Success Is Consistency
- Special Needs Students Thrive on Consistency
The Need for a Trusting Environment
- Every Student Made Progress. Every. Single. One.
Preparation: Before the First Day of School
Prepare Before School Begins
- A Complete First-Day Script Checklist
- The Need for a Classroom Management Plan
Creating a Classroom Management Plan
- Thanks for the Peace
- Presenting Your Classroom Management Plan
Creating a Plan in PowerPoint
- From Warrior to Effective Teacher
How to Teach a Procedure
- The Class Proceeded Without Me
How to Start the First Day and Every Day
- It's in the bag
Procedures: For the First Day of School
- The Start of Class Routine
The Agenda
- The Freedom to Produce Results
An Opening Assignment
- Bellringer Times Three
Taking Attendance
- 130 Students and No Time Wasted
Dismissing the Class
- A Safe Dismissal or a Tragic One?
Procedures: For Students
Collecting Notes and Forms
- Clean Up the Classroom Clutter
- Classroom Tardiness
- Absent Folder
- Organizing Homework
Paper Headings
- District-Wide Consistency
- Unfinished Class Assignments
Procedures: For the Classroom
Emergency Preparedness
- Surviving a School Active Shooter
Getting Students’ Attention
- Your Attention, Please
- Classroom Jobs
Classroom Phone Ringing
- Teaching Procedures Becomes Routine
- Bathroom Breaks
- Replacing Dull or Broken Pencils
Keeping Desks Orderly
- Everything Has a Place and a Purpose
- Collecting and Returning Papers
- Classroom Transitions
Keeping Students on Task
- Tone Is the Key
Finishing Work Early
- Creating a Learning Zone
- Missing Assignment Slip
Daily Closing Message
- Communication on a Weekly Basis
Guideline Infraction Notice
- Preparation and Consistency Are Key—A Mother’s Advice
Morning Meetings
- Preparation and Consistency Are Key—A Daughter’s Reflection
Procedures: For Instruction
Class Discussions
- I Know the Answer!
- Working in Groups
- Note Taking
- Reading a Textbook
Read Any Place Time
- Classroom and School Libraries
- Taking a Test
- Students Correcting Work
Cultivating Social Skills
- Simple Procedures, Plus Courtesy
Procedures: For the Special Needs Classroom
- The Special Needs Classroom
- Hand Washing
- Snack Time
Walking to Another Location
- Everything in Its Place
Handling Student Anxiety
- Effective Behavior Management Strategies
Procedures: For Teachers
- New Student Orientation
- The Angry Student
The Death of a Student
- In Tears the Class Proceeded
- The Death of a Parent
Substitute Teacher Handbook
- The Substitute Teacher
- A Teacher Aide
Parent Volunteers
- The Foundation of Effective Teaching
- Classroom Visitors
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
Back-to-School Night
- Job Sharing—The Best of Both Worlds
- Home and School Connection
- Technology in the Classroom
Plans: For the First Days of School
- My Personal First Day of School Script
- A Partial Script for the First Day of School
- A Middle School First-Day Plan
- A High School First-Week Plan
- An Elementary First-Ten-Days Plan
- A Principal’s Guide for a Teacher’s First-Day Script
Epilogue: A Call to Action
- I Can’t Wait to Start School Every Year
Execute and Follow Through
- A Last-Day Letter
- QR Code Summary
- Index
QR Codes
QR Code Summary
This information corresponds to the QR Code information offered in THE Classroom Management Book. Each code provides additional information, research, or activities that supplement the book.
Click each description to access the content.
1 Read how effectiveness relates to The Four Stages of Teaching.
2 Read how to implement Kounin’s six behaviors of good classroom managers.
3 Access Nile Wilson's Orchestra Handbook and learn how she plans for student success.
PREPARATION4 See what Karen Rogers uses to remind herself what it takes to start the school year successfully.
5 Access more examples of first-day scripts and put together one before your first day of school.
6 View all of the PowerPoint slides in Diana Greenhouse’s presentation to beginning teachers.
7 Rap along with Alex Kajitani’s “The Routine Rhyme” and find the procedures in the song.
8 Sarah’s blurbs are an excellent compilation of the basic procedures taught in many classrooms.
9 View more examples of PowerPoint slides that have been shared with us.
10 See how Karen Rogers checks for understanding after she introduces her classroom mgmt. plan.
11 Read this simple dialog to understand the words to use when teaching a procedure.
12 Students want to know who you are and the answers to these seven questions.
PROCEDURES: For the First Day of School13 Richard shares some of his favorite quotes he has used as part of his Bellringer activity.
PROCEDURES: For Students14 Learn how to create a free, class web page, so your students can access their work.
15 This is a Homework Checklist to help students establish a consistent routine.
PROCEDURES: For the Classroom16 Check your emergency preparedness information against what others do.
17 “Give Me Five,” made famous by Cindy Wong, is a classic technique used across grade levels.
18 Learn more about how praising a deed is more effective than complimenting the student.
19 Learn the methods and benefits of assigning each student in your class a unique number.
20 Learn how to keep materials organized to ease the confusion experienced during transition times.
21 Watch Chelonnda Seroyer tell how the Pink Slip saved her life and a grandmother’s life.
22 Read Thomas Guskey’s article, “O Alternative” for other scoring options.
23 Listen to Chelonnda Seroyer share how she uses the Guideline Infraction Notice.
PROCEDURES: For Instruction24 Learn a card trick from a college professor and how she calls on students in her classroom.
25 Learn the value of wait-time and how it improves students’ responses.
26 Learn some ways to quickly form groups without using any cards, marbles, candy, or other objects.
27 Browse these free countdown timers to alert students to get ready for transitions.
28 Jeff Gulle shares his SQ4R template with you to use with your students.
PROCEDURES: For the Special Needs Classroom29 Access some templates for Happy Grams to send throughout the year.
30 Learn to identify autistic and ADHD children and how to help them be successful.
PROCEDURES: For Teachers31 Listen to Robin Barlak's class sing the Snack Song.
32 Help your substitute teacher be prepared for any situation encountered.
33 Read the surprise students left for parents at Back-to-School night in Cindy Wong's classroom.
34 See some sample letters teachers use to connect with the home.
35 See how Oretha Ferguson presents this information to parents on the first day of school.
36 View and download the Online Safety Pledge Oretha Ferguson uses with her students.
PLANS37 Access more ideas to see how other effective teachers plan for student success.
38 Use the Observation Rubric to create a schoolwide Culture of Consistency.
EPILOGUE39 Read, print, or post these reminders of your potential as an effective teacher.
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